thinking ahout publishing the submited thesis discussed amongst previoius posts- wondering what value may come of it….

It seems there is more to this idea of power being rooted in the ability to make decisions… It aslo, according to public relations theroy, is rooted in the power to influence others via what can typically be termed Rhetoric or ‘Resource Influence’ of a relationship. The main idea here based on the ‘Social Construction of Reality’.

Some reference material from the source which enlightens to these ideas:

– Mead, 1934, Mind, Self Society

– Ch 13 of the Sage Handbook of Public Relations

A similar file by R.L. Heath which has quotes like this

“Defined in terms of the acquisition and use of power resources, power is the product of three variables: resources, the degree to which they are mobilized, and the efficiency of that mobilization (Blalock, 1989).”

can be found >HERE<

I suppose that in response to my earlier ideas about #ultimate power, the choice i spoke of, refers to a choice based on Heath’s three variables described above…

“What is the role of Reason in relation to Power & Branding via the Live PR Speech? A social-constructivist perspective of the Catholic Church.”

Having rearranged my research approach, from data first followed by theoretical contextualization, I am now working (in accordance with the advice of tutors) from a theory first position. This is a deductive method of researching which involves the formulation of some hypothesis and the the attainment of empirical data to see how the two compare.

It seems that the semi-structured qualitative interview is the most popular and efficient method of researching at this level. [Master of Arts] Hence I am now arranging my literature review and simultaneously constructing an interview structure which can be utilized when attaining primary research data from priests and/or other relevant practitioners.

It is good to be narrowing down the topic to a set of specific objectives and questions with achievable answers. As one tutor puts it, it is like the process of funneling ideas until you have remaining one solid and cohesive set of research objectives.

Language can point to its own paradox: and simultaneously negate its meaning as having a relation to truth> but rather allows us to realize a version of reality that we can accept and believe. If our consciousness is really connected to our conscious, and asides from any Karma or UniVersal style beliefs, then Ethically you can make a conscious decision that you can never know any truly right or wrong answers/behaviours/actions/////

but you should consider what you want to have happening in your existence too – so you want the people surrounding you to be happy too?? Well then … Public Relations it definately is for you so brother 🙂


an easy way to think of the postmodern paradox “pre-Aristolian, (Plato/Socrates Paradox)” is when this file is in its own contents folder>]

all finians are liars. is this fenian telling the truth?? reference to itself as being a part of its overall being >}}

>a statement within a statement

a narrative within a narrative: the paradox comes when the ttwo cantt function as 1> that they proport to be!!

>>>THEN what….ever works. Go with it and experience what you can do – pragmathematician ordinaire :}}}

This exercise is useful to loosen up your mind and reveal some surprising thoughts and insights when you are at the initial stages of exploring a topic. Usually you can set a timer for about 8 minutes where you MUST write constantly any thought that comes to mind. The pen / keyboard must be creating content for the entire duration. I forgot to start my countdown timer so i think about 15 minutes had passed before i realized and wrapped it up!

Here is my initial free-writing session in its entirety, in the preparation stages for a grounded theory investigation regarding the influential power behind the word of god. AMEN.

Free Writing #1 interview thoughts
Why do you believe in the words of god, what do they mean to you. What makes you feel compelled to return to church week after week. What does it make you feel. Where else can you get this feeling. Is there anywhere else you can imagine you would get a feeling like this. What tnext . I don’t want to offend you I don’t want to question your intelligence, we all have to believe something right. Do you think if you were in a different country and then introduced to the word of god in later life you woul convert? From what age have you being subjected to ther word of god? Have you ever pondered it critically. Do you think the words uttered in church have the same effect in the minds of all the sheep? Do you think the words create the same images, and feelings for all those who believe? What make s the impact of the word of god, special for you ? Do you think what the priest believes and what you ;believea are the same thing? What else, are there ever any moments of doubt that you may have? Are there elements of the bible or elements of church that you question from time to time… are there elements of the church that you would change. What about the gospels are there elements of lies do you feel. How do you feel about phrases such as ‘Gospel Truth’ ‘Amen’ and The Mystery of Faith??? DO you think that the meanings of the words of god are the same to you today, as they were to our ancestors when the words were first written. Do you see these words as being holy, which words, which words do you consider blasphemy, do you swsear, do you blaspheme, do you pray? In church, at home at town, at work, what do you pray for.? Do you believe praying makes a difference outside of yourself, or is it in your mind and only for your soull. What is your philosophical outlook- objectivist, subjective, post-modern. Is there an afterlife, is there more truth than what we know today. Do the words of god reflect what is going to happen after we die. Do you believe in death? Do you believe in life? What do you do FOR the church? What does the church do for you? What are we doing here, why do all these people gather to hear these words. Is it comforting. Are my questions making you feel uncomfortable. What about those who diss the church. What about those who choose other faiths. Why is this faith special for you? Do you ever remember a point when you realised, yes I want to believel this is true, I am going to put my faith in this. Do you have times when you think what do these words really mean coming form this man who calls himself a priest. How do you feel after confession? Communion? Blessing? What do you feel is the most important message of God? What is the most important practise of the church. What is the most influential meassage you have ever heard, seen, come to know from the church? How many years have you been repeating these same messages in your mind? Do your feelings towards these messages ever change. Do you believe in anything outside of the word of god? How do you feel about semiotic theories that say words and signs are bullshit. How can we still happily align our faith in one belief then? Are you a happy believer? Could you ever be tempted away from the church? What is it about the word of god that rings so true in your heart? I have been thinking about this for so long, and it really amazes me that people continue to go despite the abuses in the church, and the paradoxies in their words… yet there must be something in the content delivered that makes people dis-associate the actions of the church with the teachings that take place in mass? Is it because we are programmed as children into this ideology? Religion class, morality, sentimentality, tradition, family pressures, peer pressures, societal pressures and structures, priensts status. What respect do you give to the status of priest, bishop, pope, paedophile???? Are they all sinners and saints ? Simultaneously and or respectively? Do you live true to the word of god? How often do you neeed to be re-affirmend? Do you recall any experiences where you were separated fomr the content for some time, long time, how did this affect your state of mind, life and actions??? Do you plan to take any breaks from the word of god? How important is the crowd at mass? Can you achieve the same peace of mind, state of mind, from reading the books at home, bible…. Can you get the same effect from watching mass on televeision. Praying at home. Praying in groups/ solo. Is there comfort in the crowd? Do you consciously pay attention to the content in church? Is there any tension between the critical area of your mind, and the part that chooses faith. Is there any struggle for you? How do you overcome this struggle? What thought processes happen for you when you are struggling with your faith? What can bring about your return to faith? What thought processes occur when your faith is returning, how can you know when your faith is strong or weak…

the word of god is unchanged for 2000 years,

yet my investigation can only question subjects on the last 50 or so- the information attained may only be applicable in such ways as they are now; after neraly two millenia have passed- early days success and application of these words may have differed-

however in line with theories such as Gustav LeBon’s the crowd, the words still carry the same power to manipulate the imaginations of the masses when they are formed (or when they are in what may be described as a one-way comunicatino mode*)

*mass creates a new type of communication stream, lying outside of those clearly depicted by grunig + hunt – that is, the priest communicates in a largely one-way manner, but the flock have pre-determined responses that they shall give to the priest as part of the crowd. in a sense this can be described as two-way or multi-dimensional-one-way communicaiton, where the same ultimate message/goals/concerns/objectives are communicated and re-iterated from several sources to the target public. It is important to note here, that it is the public itself which is repeating the message to itself – enhancing the effect/feeling of being part of the mass/crowd.

**communication of this nature has the appearance of two-way assymetrical communication but really there is only one instance where NEW ideas are exchanged/communicated.

>>> where does this leave the reader/PR Practitioner today?
maybe it is desirable to give subjects the feeling / illusion of taking part/having a say in the mass = Question researchable through Grounded  THEORY?

#Deriving: QUEST (search for something) ION (atom with net electric charge due to the loss or gain of electrons) … any #quest-ions?

Here’s a taster from the Audio Trip Through Jackies Akse podcast- i supoose you could also get to the soundcloud branch from this link if you want to sample the other tasters too;

Let me know if there’s any others on the playlist that you want to hear. I plan to upload the full podcast when editing is complete.